Evolve and Ascend was founded in 2013 by Jennifer Sodini with the intention of bridging the world between art, esoterica, psychedelia, and pop “occulture.”

The original byline was “Where the Library of Alexandria Meets Andy Warhol’s Factory.” While that core intention remains — the platform itself has continued to evolve into something new in light of the post-COVID landscape and insidious Conspirituality Culture.

Here, you will find a grounded exploration of the worlds within our world, rooted in the spirit of curiosity, collaboration, and heart-centered hopes, even in the face of uncertain times and futures yet unseen.

We hope what you discover here will remind you to keep looking forward and to keep looking up with childlike awe and wonder, with your feet on the ground and your mind gazing toward the heavens with humility and a healthy sense of humor along the way.


