Abracadabra: Unveiling the Magical History and Mystical Power Behind the Word
The word synonymous with magic, "Abracadabra," boasts a fascinating origin, tracing its roots back to the 2nd century AD. Although the precise origins of the word remain a subject of debate, one of the earliest mentions is attributed to a Roman sage named Serenus Sammonicus.
Toloache: Mexico’s Love Potion Numero Uno
Toloache is known as an herbal love brew in Mexico, but it has other benefits, too - and some serious side effects.
12 Art Competitions Worth Entering in 2021
Take a peek at some inspiring art contests that are currently happening, and let us know which you’re feeling called to participate in!
Trippy Animated Videos, Which Explore Existence and Optimistic Nihilism
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, is a YouTube channel , which creates animated explainer-videos that explore existentialism from a space of “optimistic nihilism.”