Six Key Figures in Western Ceremonial Magick
The world of traditional Western Ceremonial Magick enjoyed a renaissance during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Groups like the Theosophical Society, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis, and the Builders of the Adytum sought to bridge esoteric philosophy with practical spiritual work.
Here is a brief overview of a few major characters from this period of time.
Dancing the Divine Waltz: Exploring Femininity in Santería's Mystic Traditions
Is there a religion alive today in which women are actually revered? Where homosexuality is respected as the ability to walk between two worlds? Where sexual experiences are discussed openly and not shamed?
Toloache: Mexico’s Love Potion Numero Uno
Toloache is known as an herbal love brew in Mexico, but it has other benefits, too - and some serious side effects.
A Brief Overview of Color Magick
The overall or meta-effect of colors on consciousness supports the usage of colors in the Western Hermetic Tradition and can even be a metaphor for Eastern branches of philosophy.